“In February 2024, the Australian Retailers Association (ARA), lodged an application with the Fair Work Commission (FWC) to make the General Retail Industry Award 2020 (GRIA) clearer, simpler and more flexible for all parties. This application was in response to the review of modern awards initiated by the Federal Government and conducted by the Fair Work Commission.
“The ARA recognises that the current award, with 994 individual pay rates spanning 96 pages, is unnecessarily complex and misaligned with the evolving needs of the retail workforce. This leads to employees and employers struggling to understand workplace entitlements and cultivate flexibility within working arrangements.
“The ARA’s proposed variations to the GRIA seek to promote clearer guidelines around working conditions, empowering employees to understand their rights while also fostering greater transparency and flexibility in working arrangements. The case will be heard by the FWC in March 2025.
“We recognise the importance of safeguards for workers.
“The proposed changes are focused on creating a more flexible, modern system that better balances the needs of both workers and employers.”