LeaseWise – Retail Leasing Consultancy

LeaseWise Group are specialist retail property consultants and tenancy advocates, representing small to medium sized retailers nationally since 1998. Our reputation as the most active and trusted consultancy firm has been earned through experience in providing comprehensive leasing services across the country. Our team of dedicated Leasing Consultants have mixed backgrounds in various categories of retail property management, business management and commercial real estate.

ARA members can get free online advice on any retail lease query. Please forward all queries to

LeaseWise is also able to assist all ARA members with the following;

New Site Selection and Negotiation

  • Build site criteria to meet client’s requirements.
  • Negotiate competitive market rent and Incentive with all necessary services at Lessor’s cost;
  • Due diligence on all formal lease documentation.

Lease Renewal Negotiation

  • Negotiate renewal term on an existing lease as market terms and sustainable occupancy
  • If lease has an option for further term, assist with lease renewal and in event terms cannot be reached, assist with market review process and provide any rental submissions.

Lease Rectification

  • Assist with any current distressed lease
  • Objectives and Outcome to be reviewed case by case and based on businesses financials
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