November changes to OneMusic retail licence scheme.
- $230 licence fee now less than half – $95 a year. OneMusic introduced more levels to Bronze category and reduced fees.
- OneMusic introduced an extra category Silver Lite. Rates ‘max out’ at $1,062.50.
- Accounting adjustments to be made for existing clients.
- New clients will be licensed under these new rates.
Some retailers advised OneMusic that the retail music licence structure – Bronze, Silver, Gold – did not suit their music use and size.
OneMusic agreed and swiftly made adjustments.
Silver Lite Category of Music Use
The major benefit of the new Silver Lite category is that the rates ‘max out’ at $1,062.50 for an outlet with 5,001+ square metres.
Silver Lite allows a retailer or service provider to have music playing in their business through a single device only. This could be from a commercial background music supplier, from a commercial recorded music format such as a DVD or a vinyl record or from an internet TV or internet radio.
Silver Lite rates (until 30 June 2020) start from $127.50 for a retail area of up to 50 square metres.
Bronze Category of Music Use: rate changes
Bronze rate changes
- To licence 51-150 square metres of retail space under Bronze was $144 and is now $90 a year.
- To licence 151-500 square metres was $230 and is now less than half that at $95 a year.
- Previously the next size was set to 501-5,000 square metres and to licence was $374 a year. This next level is now 501-1,000 square metres and is $135 a year.
- A new size-level has been launched: 1,001-2,000 square metres at $200 a year.
- Above that, a new level has been launched 2,001-5,000 square metres at $375 a year.
- The highest level is now 5,001+ square metres and is $500 a year. The previous highest level was $650 a year.
For small-space retailers, 50 square metres of retail space is still $85 a year to licence (for this Financial Year) under Bronze.
A licence under the Bronze category still allows a retailer an unlimited number of devices to play music – from a terrestrial or digital broadcast through TV and/or a radio (not from a cable or the internet).
94% of initial clients have switched to OneMusic, seeing the benefit of an easier one-licence e-commerce product.
For more on the changes or call 1300 162 162