Online complaint help

toolkit A new online resource developed by the Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals Australia
(SOCAP) to help small businesses deal with complaints is now available.

The SOCAP Small Business Complaints Toolkit can assist SME business owners and operators, and complaint handlers working in all businesses with strategies to review their complaints handling processes and identify the value good complaint handling can bring to a company’s performance and bottom line.

The toolkit is an online resource for people handling complaints in small to medium business or those in customer care. Information in the toolkit includes why complaints are important, responding to complaints, complaint record keeping, and talking to customers.

It can be viewed online from the SOCAP Australia website, or downloaded and includes templates such as a Complaint Acknowledgment Letter template and Responding to a Complaint Letter template, and postcards which can be distributed onsite for staff and clients highlighting the complaint handling procedures.

The toolkit is available here:



Easter Public Holiday Trading Hours 2025

The following is a state by state breakdown of the public holidays across the Easter period, with additional information on trading hour restrictions and how they differ between jurisdictions. Understanding

Let’s shift to a growth mindset in 2025 

How retail performs in 2025, sends an important signal about our broader community wellbeing.  Retailers employ one in ten Australians and contribute a whopping 18% to our annual gross domestic