To mark the launch of its Net-zero Roadmap, the ARA hosted a webinar to explore the role of Australian retail in addressing climate change and to look at some of the global trends shaping the local response.

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ARA CEO Paul Zahra was joined by Sarah Hunter (Managing Director at Officeworks) to discuss the importance of leadership and strategy in the transition to the low-carbon, circular economy of the future. 

The ARA’s Fleur Brown then led a panel discussion with some of Australia’s leading experts in sustainability about:  

  • What the global retail community is doing to accelerate the transition to net-zero emissions; 

  • What the ARA is doing to support members in this transition and unify our sector behind a common vision for change; and 

  • What Australian retailers (large and small) can do to build on the platform established by the local first movers who have already committed to net-zero emissions. 

Our three panellists each brought something different to the conversation. 

  • Andrew Petersen (CEO of the local chapter of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development) talked about his key takeouts from the COP26 Climate Change Conference in Glasgow and the global launch of the UN-backed Race to Zero Retail Campaign, which the ARA is proudly supporting as the accelerator for the Australian retail sector. 

  • Jacquie Fegent-Mcgeachie (Head of Sustainability at THE ICONIC) took us through what COP26 means for Australian retailers, what THE ICONIC is doing to become even more sustainable and how the ARA is supporting the sector in this transition through its Net-Zero Roadmap. 

  • Sara Redmond-Neal (Founder of Small Mighty CSR) highlighted the need to engage small and medium sized businesses on climate change because, while small business owners have recognised the shift in community sentiment, they don’t necessarily have the tools or resources to start on their sustainability journey or accelerate their transition to net-zero. 


Small business owners can also click on this link for Sara Redmond-Neal’s insights and resources from Small Mighty CSR about what the net-zero transition could look like for our small and medium sized members.