Retail Ready and Able: How APM can help with disability employment



APM Employment Services

APM Employment Services provides services to job seekers and employers on behalf of the Australian Government’s Workforce Australia and Disability Employment Services programs, which are designed to place people into meaningful employment.

They help their clients to become job ready and once employed, remain in employment. They assist employers to find the right employees at no cost to their business and support job seekers in their search for work.

At any given time, they are working with approximately 40,000 job seekers through across Australia through these contracts in close to 500 locations.

APM Employment Services are part of APM Group a global health and human services provider now enabling better lives for more than 2 million people each year.

APM helps people to find employment, improve their health and wellbeing, and participate in their community.

Their services help people with injury, illness or disability, children and older adults, unemployed people, and those facing hardship or harm.

Learn more at


Hiring People with Disability

Success for people with disability at work is all about finding the right job and employer to get them moving towards their life goals and independence.

Each year, Australian businesses are rewarded with the benefits of hiring a person with disability.

These include:

  • Increased performance
  • Creativity
  • Morale
  • Diversity
  • Staff retention
  • Improved reputation
  • Customer view of your brand


Workplace Modifications

APM will assist with any workplace modifications required, including arranging funding so these adjustments are made at little or no cost to your business.

Their service doesn’t stop when you hire a new team member. They support the induction of new starters and provide ongoing support for you and your employee where required.

If your employee works at least eight hours a week, we can help you access funds for workplace modifications at no cost to your business. This might involve:

  • Minor changes to your office
  • New tools or equipment
  • Introducing new technology and communication devices
  • Adapting work vehicles
  • Team awareness training on disability and mental health

Workplace modifications are funded through the federal government’s Employment Assistance Fund and can be made at no cost to you.


Wage Subsidies:

Businesses can apply for a wage subsidy for each eligible job seeker you hire through Workforce Australia and Disability Employment Services programs.

For Workforce Australia programs, you can access wage subsidies of up to $10,000 for each eligible employee.  For job seekers registered with Disability Employment Services, you can access subsidies of up to $1,650 and up to $10,000 for hiring a job seeker aged 50 or above.

Paid by the Australian Government, wage subsidies allow you to reduce your business costs when you hire full or part-time workers. Employment Consultants will work with you to:

  • Detail the eligibility requirements for wage subsidies
  • Identify the amount of subsidy available for eligible job seekers
  • Guide you through the process of accessing the funds
  • Advise you on when you will receive the wage subsidy

To apply for wage subsidies your business must:

  • Have an Australian Business number
  • Have not previously received a wage subsidy for the same person
  • Not be an Australian, state or territory government agency
  • Offer a job expected to be ongoing
  • Offer a job that complies with national employment standards

Typically, you receive wage subsidy payments during a six month period. Additional incentives could apply to apprenticeships and traineeships.


Post Placement Support:

The service from APM Employment Services doesn’t stop when you hire a new team member

APM is proud to provide comprehensive post placement support services including:

  • Spending time with your employee – to settle them in
  • Working with your employee to ensure they’re able to meet your performance standards
  • Support and education to help your team welcome a person with disability
  • Help with any issues that arise
  • Support to get new equipment, tools or make workplace modifications

Your dedicated and committed APM employment consultant will keep in touch with you and your employee for at least six months, providing support, guidance and advice as necessary.