Make workplace health & safety part of your business culture

Regardless of whether business is slow or fast-paced, staff members still have responsibilities that require them to face potential hazards and risks daily. Exploring how to best establish and maintain safety procedures, adequately train staff and evaluate workplace health and safety procedures will increase the likelihood of integrating quality Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) into your organisation’s culture and day-to-day operations.

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Five steps to
ladder safety

Falls from ladders have resulted in a number of significant and fatal injuries, even when working at low heights, across Australia.

In 2018, a clothing store worker was awarded $235,000 in damages after she suffered shoulder and arm injuries, when she fell from a 2-stepped A-frame ladder to retrieve a mannequin from a high display shelf. 

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Hygienic product testing in health and beauty post COVID-19

The retail industry has always been an exceedingly volatile one that has changed suddenly at many points throughout history. 

We are, at present, standing amid one of those landmark crossroads that both retailers and consumers must adapt to build the new normal.



Roles in
health & safety

Everyone has a role to play with regards to health and safety in the workplace. This specifies around legislative expectations can be found by accessing the particular state or territory in which the organisation operates.

To learn how to steer your success as  retailer, the ARA Retail Institute runs multiple workshops on analysing and evaluating ecommerce trends to develop an effective ecommerce strategy for the online sale of products or services.

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Conducting WHS training for team members

It is important to ensure that all employees are fully trained in health and safety to ensure that they understand their responsibilities with regards to health and safety in the workplace.

Employers should vocalise to employees the hazards associated with their role in the organisation, how to notify their Health and Safety Representative when hazards are identified, how to follow health and safety policies and procedures and the consultative arrangements associated with health and safety.

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Common workplace practices that are risking employee safety

Despite businesses in Australia having a legal requirement to comply with their State’s Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) laws, more than 100,000 serious workplace injuries still occur every year.

These range from mental stress, to trips and falls, to collisions with objects. A leading auditing and training organisation in occupational health and safety is alerting organisations to commonly overlooked workplace practices that are risking the health and safety of their employees.


Keeping your people safe at work

Keeping your employees safe at work means mitigating risk within the physical workplace, and also keeping staff safe from customers displaying aggression and violence. Ensure you stay up-to-date with current national and state-based WHS legislation relevant to your retail business.